Principles of Holistic Health
Disease is NOT bound to happen
Often, disease is a symptom of the body’s inability to return to balance. It can be overcome with a willingness to manage and eliminate the abuses and maintain a disciplined adherence to a reasonable, balanced diet of whole foods. A regime of proper foods, exercise, rest and permanent, life-changing habits can bring a variety of positive effects.
Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.
When Hippocrates uttered this oft quoted profound statement, there wasn’t the problem of preservatives, food dyes, chemicals and fast food that plague our modern diet. Today, he would have said: ” Let thy food, as God made it, be thy medicine and thy medicine, as God made it, be thy food .”
To change the way things are you must change the things you do.
Everyone will have gaps: in their diet, their exercise and rest, so don’t despair make a few changes and get on with your life. For example: If you can’t eat everything you need to become and stay healthy, simply fill the gap in your diet with a well-designed nutraceutical program.
It isn’t over ’til it’s over.
The affect on particular conditions largely depends on the degeneration of the body and its vital organs. However, the body is resilient. If sufficient life energy remains, and you have the will, the possibilities for rejuvenation are good enough to warrant a change.
NUPRO Resources
Holistic Health Manual
Creating Radiant Health
Create Your Own Holistic Health Program
Create Your Own Program
Basic Nutrition
Basic Nutritional Support
Natural Support for Specific Needs
Address Specific Needs
Restore Health
Claim Your 2nd Chance
Rebuild Health
Holistic Health Plan
Professional Support
Professional Help