If Your Symptoms Go Away, Are You Healthy?

Sounds like a crazy question—right?  Not so fast!

The truth is: There is a triangle of 3 components that can either:

  1. Produce health and healing

  2. Produce symptoms

  3. Or produce declining or failing health.

Did you know:

Balancing this triangle: produces natural health and healing?
And the 3 parts of the triangle of health: mental, physical and bio-chemical, are all inter-related?

lucas_nhcMENTAL: The mind controls the release of chemicals that make us happy, angry, fearful or depressed. Mental, physical and/or emotional stress can be detrimental over time, causing damage to body systems, create sickness and prevent healing.

PHYSICAL: Muscles, joints, bones and organs need to be efficient so the nervous system can to relay messages to and from the brain. Over or under exertion, injuries, bacterial, viral, yeast or parasitic infection can be detrimental over time, causing damage to body systems, create sickness and prevent healing.

BIO-CHEMICAL: The things we eat, drink, take and breathe (called the bio-mass), and how they are absorbed and eliminated, determine bodily function and health.

What You Don’t Know About Staying Healthy Can Hurt You.

If you are:

  • Concerned about your health,
  • Confused or disappointed with supplements,
  • Frustrated with your medical treatments
 . . . a Natural Health Coach, like the Radiant Health Club with Frank Lucas, PhD, NHC, can help you
accomplish your health and healing objectives using:

  1. common-sense lifestyle modifications
  2. and safe, holistic, professional grade supplements, like the nutraceutical supplements available at NUPRO,  to support a more efficient process and/or function of your body

to help you stay healthy, strengthen or rebuild you health.