
Complete Guide to Natural Health and Holistic Healing

Somehow, over time, people have misplaced the fundamental rules for the care and maintenance of their bodies – or they didn’t know the rule in the 1st place. This blind spot carries a high price when your Health Span Doesn’t Match Your Life Span!

How to Match Your Health Span to Your Life Span, a Guide for Holistic Health & Healing
. . . examines and rekindles those fundamental rules – and provides practical tactics – that you can implement – to improve the likelihood that you will be able to match your health span with your life span

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Who among you believes you will suffer from failing health? … Anyone?

lifespan healthspanThe statistics show about 50% of you will suffer and ultimately succumb to one of these indignities: Cancer, Diabetes, Stroke, Heart Attack or Cardiovascular Disease.

Until recently, it was believed that each subsequent generation would be in better physical shape than the preceding generation.

You’ll Be Living Longer – but You’ll be Suffering More and Paying More

Forgotten Skills

Somehow, over time, people have misplaced the fundamental rules for the care and maintenance of their bodies – or they didn’t know the rule in the 1st place. This blind spot carries a high price when your Health Span Doesn’t Match Your Life Span!

Match You Health Span to Your Life Span

How to Match Your Health Span to Your Life Span, a Guide for Holistic Health & Healing examines and rekindles those fundamental rules – and provides practical tactics – that you can implement – to improve the likelihood that you will be able to match your health span with your life span.

About the Author

Dr. Frank Lucas
. . .  has dedicated the past 20 years to Interactive Medicine and the research and development of nutritional and nutraceutical supplements.  He has served on numerous Boards of Directors and is currently a member of the Advisory Board for a highly respected U.S. dietary supplement laboratory.  Frank, too, is a speaker, lecturer, teacher and consultant on health and nutrition.  He is a Ph.D. and Certified Natural Health Consultant.  He is the president and CEO of NUPRO Nutraceutical Products Company and shares his expertise with clients at the Radiant Health Club in Castle Rock, CO.  read Frank’s full bio here on NUPRO.

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