Diet Pills and Weight Loss Supplements
Diet pills and weight loss supplements to help people lose weight are important supplements.
Adults, who are concerned about gaining weight are searching for a natural supplement to help them burn fat, lose weight and increase their energy.
But, since the F.D.A. banned Ma Huang, most weight loss supplements have been disappointing. The “new” supplements to help adults lose weight don’t provide the energy boost that people expected from their diet pills and weight loss supplements.
Finding the right combination of natural herbs and supplements to promote the body’s ability to lose weight and offer people an energizing experience they expected from their weight management supplement has been the #1 priority for the best formulators of natural weight loss supplements.
Unfortunately, most of the new formulations for diet pills and weight loss supplements haven’t be able to come close to the energizing experience that people expected from supplements they need to help them lose weight.
It Took Time to Perfect an Energizing Weight Management Formula
Unlocking the right combination of herbs and natural ingredients to support the body’s ability to lose weight and and promote energy has been the top priority for the NUPRO professionals, too. Frankly, the task of formulating a natural weight loss supplement to do that – without using Ma Huang – seemed unlikely.
Your Wait is Over – an Energize Weight Management Supplement Has Arrived!
NUPRO found the right combination of herbs and natural ingredients to support the body’s ability to lose weight and promote energy.* It’s called NUPRO Day Time Body Management.
Today’s NUPRO Day Time Body Management supplement offers adults a natural supplement to support the body’s ability to promote and maintain weight loss with the energized experience they expect.
NUPRO Day Time Body Management
Helps You Put Energy In Your Weight Loss Program.
*Important: All diet pills and well-crafted weight loss supplements, of course, work best when used with a healthy diet and moderate exercise.
Frank Lucas, PhD, NHC is a 20-year veteran of natural health and healing.
Frank is a natural health consultant, coach and mentor - helping people with strategies and tactics to protect or improve their health – naturally. Besides using NUPRO Holistic Lifestyle Supplements™, that he formulated, Dr. Lucas has developed natural systems and holistic health and healing programs, developed in his practice or with other professionals, that are indeed helping people change their state of health and their lives – naturally.
Dr. Lucas is a speaker, lecturer, teacher, Natural Health Consultant, formulator of nutraceutical dietary supplements and co-author of the common sense manual that shows people how to care for and maintain of the body, Creating Radiant Health – Keys to Releasing the Healing Power Within, that he co-authored with his long-time colleague, Jeanie Traub, NHC .
Over the years, Frank has attained several academic honorariums including a Doctor of Philosophy in consideration for his studies in the field of Metaphysics. Most recently, his work was recognized when he was awarded his latest diploma, with highest honors, for his studies to become certified as a Natural Health Consultant.
Frank has served on numerous Boards of Directors and is currently a member of the Advisory Board for a highly respected U.S. dietary supplement laboratory.
Dr. Lucas offers personal and telephone consultation, by appointment, for people who have questions or special needs and shares his vision for holistic health and healing with the world from the NUPRO holistic health and healing blog.