This time honored practice of resolving to change things in the New Year is … well, time honored and often futile.
I, too, have been moved to make resolutions, occasionally, over the years. For me, successful resolutions have always been practical and accomplished with simple changes in my daily routines.
Less complicated resolutions have met with greater success.
As it happens, we are creatures of habit. For example, most people, who actually prepare meals, rely on the same 7 recipes, often preparing them on the same day. I’m sure you’ve done it, too. When I was a boy, you could set the calendar by what my mother served for supper. “If it’s Wednesday, it’s chicken.”
If you’re in the dinnertime rut, we offer you a free packet of information, available here, that links you to10 easy to prepare, great tasting, healthy dinnertime recipes to support weight loss.
One very helpful resolution is to eat a home cooked meal with your family – prepared together – every night. It helps you make memories. For many people, take out has taken the place of a home cooked meal. Changing that would be my #1 priority … but I am digressing.
Habits are the fount of all resolutions. They are the admission that something, that you are doing, is producing an unwanted outcome and it needs to be changed.
Such is often the case when people resolve to lose weight.
People have watched their bodies grow past their wardrobe and have, therefore, resolved to shrink back to fitting into their clothes.
- “I resolve to eat less” means you plan to starve yourself to lose weight.
- “I resolve to exercise more” means you have time in your schedule to go to the gym for an hour every other day to lose weight.
- “I resolve to eat better” means you will wake up 30 minutes sooner to prepare breakfast and abandon you lunch time haunts.
If you can find the time, discipline or courage to follow through with these types of resolutions then more power to you. For me, these resolutions would be complicated and therefore, likely unsuccessful.
The fact remains that most of you need to lose weight. If you can muster up a virtue, patience, you just might be able to lose those extra pounds in time for spring – in a more practical manner.
Is 2 to 3 months too long for help fitting into your spring wardrobe?
Steps to Take:
Go to our retail site, register for the comprehensive package of tips for losing weight at the bottom of the page. They will be sent to you immediately and they are free.
- Read the comprehensive material in your packet.
- Water-fast for 24 hours. Add a teaspoon of lime juice to each of the 8 to10 – 8 ounce glasses of water you will be consuming to eliminate the residuals from all the holiday excesses. It is easier if you start after your evening meal since you will be sleeping through most of the fast.
- Follow the instructions for the 3 day diet that is include in you package of information.
- For many people, dietary supplements are extremely helpful. There are many from which to choose. Pick one to help you. (We offer a pretty nifty line of exclusive weight loss systems and proprietary supplements. You night want to check them out when you are getting you packet.)
- Follow the program for 90 days.
Regardless of whether you have resolved to lose weight because you want to look good or you want feel great, it can be a resolution that you can keep if you have a little patience and some help. You could be looking good and feeling great by spring – if you get started now.
NOTE: We have worked diligently to develop a family of proprietary weight loss supplements and exclusive weight loss systems. Lots of people are expressing their satisfaction with the results. We encourage you to consider one of the ThinRite™ options – you will be the next satisfied client or we will send your money back to you. T
Happy New Year