After writing what should have been the conclusion for the topic of weight loss, two interesting articles have surfaced.

The first article described an experimental surgical procedure that involves implanting electrodes into the part of the brain that is believed to control craving and hunger.  The electrodes are then attached to a low voltage electronic device, surgically implanted under the skin, to provide continuous electric stimulation through the electrodes to the appropriate part of the brain.  The surgeons explained the experimental surgery might be considered after bariatric surgery has failed to be effective.

The article went on to report that, “… after the surgery she (the patient) no longer has the urge to consume a whole 3-liter bottle of her favorite drink — Pepsi — every day.”

Comment:  3 liter of Pepsi – everyday – WOW!  Also, it is good to know that once bariatric surgery fails, there is another avenue for surgeons to pursue.

The second “revelation” was Weight Loss May Release Stored Toxins.  The lead, for the article describing the study, included a warning for people considering losing weight.

Comment:  Duh!  The 3 functions of fat are:  insulation, store energy, isolation of toxins.  Isn’t the inconvenience of eliminating stored wastes and toxins compared to shortening your life by as much as 20 years a no-brainer?

Which leads me into the next topic for investigating – toxins.


Toxins, toxicity and autotoxification are big topics, with lots of misconceptions that I hope to demystify during the next several reports on the subject.

 For now, here are some basics for you to consider:

The source of toxins can be external pollutants or internally produced during the course of living.

The term, toxin, has evolved to mean any substance poisonous to living organisms.

 Toxins can be categorized three ways:

  • Acute toxicity involves harmful effects in an organism through a single or short-term exposure.
  • Subchronic toxicity is the ability of a toxic substance to cause effects for more than one year but less than the lifetime of the exposed organism.
  • Chronic toxicity is the ability of a substance or mixture of substances to cause harmful effects over an extended period, usually upon repeated or continuous exposure, sometimes lasting for the entire life of the exposed organism.

For more information on the issue of toxins, please read this article entitled:  Are You Poisoning Yourself?

 Have you taken our free on-line health test?  Next time, we will be investigating the impact of toxicity on your health.  The NUPRO health systems can be helpful as you begin to chart your course for achieving Radiant Health.