How Should You Pay For Health Care
Today, most people are thinking about what they would do if they get sick. What if you could help reduce your chances of facing that decision
. . . using a natural alternative?
Help yourself stay healthy using Self – Care
Self-care is taking responsibility for your health – it is health care. Self-care is founded in the belief that no one has more to gain, when you support your health, or lose if you do not.
Health Care is not Sick Care
When you are threatened with the loss of your most important asset, your health, physicians may play an important part in helping you recover by diagnosing your symptoms, prescribing appropriate medications and following your progress until you have recovered.
Recovery is more than controlling symptoms
Sick-care has a beginning and an end.
Once your body has been stabilized, your progress is the result of your body’s ability to heal itself – and that process takes resources and time. You provide that with your diet, rest and appropriate exercise.
The old adage, “It’s not the bullet that kills, it is the body’s inability to react to the sudden change in circumstance” sums up the body’s ability to heal itself. If a person is shot, the personnel in the emergency room stabilize the body and wait for the body to heal itself. Even when your sick, you have a responsibility.
Self-care is taking preventative steps that minimize your chances of of becoming sick, in the 1st place!
Few people give their health a second thought
Granted, every-day-living leaves little time for anything else. They believe they will avoid the likelihood they, like millions of others, will suffer from the most insidious of conditions – declining health. Or, when it is their turn, and most people will have to take their turn, there will be some wondrous something – man made or naturally occurring – that will fix what has broken.
Bad Choices Have Bad Consequences
The most frequently asked question, from people who have lost their health is “Why me?”
When you consider what happens when health starts to decline: the seemingly endless visits to physicians and specialists, the ever-increasing number of prescriptions, the ongoing calls to the insurance company and the loss of quality of life, it easy to understand the frustration.
Declining health is the consequence of historic choices in four areas: lifestyle, exercise, rest and diet. For the most part, declining health is the consequence of neglecting the responsibility to care for the needs of the body – for years.
The Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control report: “Today, chronic diseases—such as cardiovascular disease (primarily heart disease and stroke), cancer, and diabetes—are among the most prevalent, costly, and preventable of all health problems. . . . The prolonged course of illness and disability from such chronic diseases as diabetes and arthritis results in extended pain and suffering and decreased quality of life for millions of Americans. Chronic, disabling conditions cause major limitations in activity for more than one of every 10 Americans . . . .”
The CDE further reports: “ . . . Although chronic diseases are among the most common and costly health problems, they are also among the most preventable. Adopting healthy behaviors such as eating nutritious foods, being physically active, and avoiding tobacco use can prevent or control the devastating effects of these diseases.”
Self-Care is Health Care
Self-Care is the ounce of prevention that is worth a pound of cure.
It is making informed decisions regarding your health before you are forced to make decisions about sick care. There are 2 steps you need to take:
- Be Decisive: decide how you will invest in health.
- Be Dedicated: make the time to invest in health.
- Be Disciplined: do the things it takes to stay healthy, lifestyle choices, moderate exercise, rest, eat a healthy diet that feeds your body.
The growing market for natural supplements to promote and maintain health points to an ever-increasing interest in self-care. Using dietary supplements is a choice to invest in health, not because the supplements are natural magic bullets, but because a well crafted dietary supplement can help fill the gap in your diet between what you are eating and what you should be consuming to stay healthy.
Your Choices Have Consequences
It is not what you do occassionally that damages your health, it is what you do everyday. Eat whole foods, Drink clean water, and use a dietary supplement to sustain your healthy body. Regardless of your state of health, whether you are considering, old-fashioned dietary supplements, state of the art nutraceutical supplements or pharmaceuticals, it is important to make informed, cautious decisions, because after all, no one has more to gain, or lose, than you.
To Change The Way Things Are, You Must Change The Things You Do