Health & Healing Boot Camp

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The least understood health concept is:
“The Balanced Diet”.

It’s too bad, because virtually all of the recommendations emanating for the “medical experts” are predicated on the assumption that you are eating the nutrition recommended by the “Balanced Diet”.

When asked, most people will tell you they eat “pretty good.”  But, the fact is they are not eating any where near the nutrition body needs to stay healthy.

What people are consuming is a conglomeration of processed, preserved, packaged and convenience food products that, thanks to advertising, are masquerading as food.

Joel Wallach dramatizes this issue, in his controversial presentation “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie”, when he explains:”… if you bring home bags of cans, boxes and bags of food, from the supermarket, you would be better off throwing away the contents and eating the packaging.”

Discussions about the Balanced Diet

There is a litany of health concerns that can be attributed to this blind spot regarding what people are consuming.

The difference between what you are consuming and what your body needs, to be healthy and flourish, leads to the predictable decline in health that is plaguing adult men, women and now teens and children.

While the medical community has ascribed any number of names for the symptoms afflicting their patients, most of their complaints boil down to a single diagnosis: Hand to Mouth Disease.

The following chart may help you demystify the Balanced Diet and the nutrition it recommends.

Approximate Nutrient Composition of the Body with Corresponding Dietary Recommendations

  • Water:  55%+*
    Drink ½ your body weight, in ounces, everyday
  • Protein:  20%*
    Recommendation: *
    Lean Meat (beef, pork, chicken) 1-3 servings/week;
    Fish:  2-4 servings/week;
    Above Ground Vegetables; unlimited (5 servings/day minimum);
    Fruit:  1-4 servings/day;
    Bean, Peas, Lentels:  1-3 servings/day
  • Fat:  15% *
    Recommendation:  Oils, nuts, seeds:  1-9 servings/day **
  • Minerals:  5%*
    Plants are the source for all of the minerals on which the body depends.  Your diet dictates the rate at which minerals are replenished. **
  • Carbohydrates:  2%*
    Recommendation:  Whole Grain:  4-11 servings/day **
  • Vitamins:  less than 1% *

*Source:  Nutrition Almanac, Nutrition Search, Inc, McGraw-Hill, p.109
**Source: University of Michigan Integrative Medicine Dept.

Diet Related
Health Challenges

Being Over Weight




Declining Health

Frequent Illness


Premature Aging





There are 2 questions that are likely crossing your mind right now:

  1. Who has the time?
    Between commuting, work, the kids, most people’s hectic schedules leave barely enough time to sleep, let alone time to prepare 3 meals every day.
  2. How can anyone afford it?
    Grocery bills are sky high the way it is.  Adding all that organic, fresh food could send us to the poor house.

These arguments may seem real, now, but they’re really false dilemmas.

There is one inescapable fact:
if you aren’t feeding your body the nutrition it needs to be healthy,
your body is decomposing and your health is declining.

Situations that depend on the Balanced Diet

Your body has a big job.

  1. Every day the body replaces millions of cells that, through a process called Apoptosis, are preprogrammed to die
  2. In the course of a day, millions of other cells are damaged by the rigors of everyday life
  3. More cells – due to normal wear and tear, brought on by work
  4. More cells – due excessive wear and tear, brought on by our penchant for strenuous exercise and recreation
  5. … well, you get the picture.

But, your body is challenged by what you consume, everyday.
Is there enough nutrition, consumed in your diet, to support the repair of damaged tissue and replacement of all the dead and dying cells – everyday?

  1. If there is sufficient nutrition – your body is regeneration your body is producing perfect cells and your are staying healthy
  2. If not – your body is decomposing and you are becoming less healthy  – the cells and tissue, are produced and repaired imperfectly.

This almost imperceptible decline in the quality of the cells of your body is directly attributable to declining health, and it will culminate in an unhealthy state.

This decline in your health, occurs in stages, over time.
It is predictable, but not inevitable – read more  ».

Your Diet Impacts Your Health 

Caring for the needs of your body may be the most important task you have, because all those other things, that you have prioritized above treating your body kindly, won’t matter once you have lost your health.

Amazing as it may seem, most adults, teens and children in this land of plenty are malnourished.  Certainly, they’re not starving, but they are lacking the basic nutrition their bodies require to function and flourish.

It catches up with you – sooner or later.

The decline will start with nagging inconveniences such as: diminished energy, indigestion, food sensitivity, weight gain, irritability; escalating to some sort of “managed condition”, using drug store preparations and/or one, or more, prescriptions: culminating in the miserable state of declining health.

When you lose your health – you’ll lose everything.
You can either:  invest in your health – now
. . . or pay dearly when you are not healthy later.


The situation isn’t as bleak as it appears.

There are steps everyone can take to avoid the predictable outcome – not being healthy or failing health.

First, Start Taking Care of Your Body’s Nutritional Needs

  1. You know what to do … eat more healthfully … so, do the best you can.  NOTE:  There is one thing to remember … if you don’t buy it, you can’t eat it.
  2. Once you’ve done your best, fill the gaps in your diet with supplements.  Those gaps will likely be consuming enough raw, mineral rich, vegetables and fruit.  NOTE:  the supplements you should consider are:  Trace minerals, Enzymes and Phytonutrients from Vegetables, Fruits, Berries and Grasses.

These 1st  two steps will address diet &health issues going forward,
. . . but there are residual nutritional deficiencies from past years.

Next, Undo the Affects of the Historic Deficiencies of Nutrition

  1. Choose supplements that address your specific health needs and will support the body’s ability to restore that particular function.
  2. Don’t be surprised!
    The body will establish it’s priorities, and they may be different than your priorities.  The good new is:  your body is beginning to restore itself, and your health, thanks to your decision to treat it kindly.
  3. Be patient!
    The healing process is fairly predictable, too.  It takes about 1 month of treating your body respectfully for each year you have spent neglecting it.

No One is Going to Get Out of This Life – Alive

While the statistic are changing, most reputable sources proudly proclaim that life expectancy is longer now than at any other time in history.  It’s true! You can expect to live longer than your grandparents.

But, At What Cost?

One of the fastest growing industries in the Industrialized World is managed health care.  That’s right – managing people’s declining health is big business!

  1. Dealing with the nagging complaints using non-prescription medications
  2. Managing the symptoms of declining health with Doctors, specialists and prescriptions
  3. Housing and caring for the infirm, once the other treatments become ineffectual

 … IS BIG BUSINESS.  And, it’s growing.

At each phase, along this predictable journey, there are:

  1. Ethical companies, producing aids to ease the suffering
  2. Caring, highly trained people, offering aid and comfort, working to stabilize the stages of declining health.

What’s Missing?
People think they do not need to be part of the effort.

Too many people believe that “showing up” is enough; that technology and expertise will win the day.

Here’s the travesty:  the person, who is beneficiary of the effort, often continues to practice the same dietary and lifestyle choices that delivered him or her to this predicament.

As of this writing, instances of lung cancer are decreasing in the general population.
The report rightly attributes the change to a person’s choice to stop smoking.  After all of the suffering, effort and expense, lung cancer is succumbing to a lifestyle change – the decision to stop smoking.

Why?  Because people started “getting it” – they started showing up.
People stopped smoking. That choice changes the predictable outcome: smoking increase instances of Lung Cancer.  People became part of the “cure” by making a different lifestyle choice.


Your choice will put you on 1 of 2 predictable paths:

  1. One predictable outcome is:  Bad Nutrition Increases the Instances not Being Healthy
  2. Another predictable outcome is:  Good Nutrition Equals Good Health

You can change the way things are by changing the things you do – It’s Your Life, It’s Your Choice.
Just remember … you’ll be the person wrestling with the consequences of not being healthy

PS Jeanie Traub and I have written a book “Creating Radiant Health – Keys to Releasing the Healing Powers Within” that some people have called “the ultimate handbook for health and healing”.  It’s a common sense owner’s manual for the care and maintenance of your body.  I recommend that you have a copy of your own.    You can review and order an e-book or soft cover book here »

Health & Healing Boot Camp

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NUPRO helps you make the difference 3 ways

levels of healing

Basic Nutrition


Health Issues

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Declining Health

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