Since the beginning of time, three factors have plagued human civilization:

  1. Pestilence
  2. Famine
  3. War (Since we limit our commentaries to issues of health, we won’t be commenting on the third factor – war.  This plague continues to take its unimaginable toll throughout the world.)

The advances during the 20th Century were remarkable.

Regarding pestilence, the availability of clean water and vastly improved sanitation practices have dramatically decreased the toll of pestilence on humanity.  Plagues, like the Bubonic Plague, and water borne diseases like cholera have been relegated to history books.

Antibiotics and vaccines have significantly reduced the likelihood of dying from an infection or communicable disease.

The fear of famine has been erased from the memory of people living in the Industrialized World due to changes in transportation, farming practices, refrigeration, packaging and distribution.

We’ve Come a Long Way – Baby.

  • Pestilence and famine has virtually disappeared in the lexicon of health for the Industrialized World.
  • Clean water is on tap, 24 hours everyday.
  • Abundant quantities of every imaginable kind of food are stocked on the shelves of the nearest Super Market, 24 hours everyday.

 Big Advertising Budgets and Pretty Labels

A study, Heart Health and Fiber Drive Consumers to Health Products, released by the Food Marketing Institute (FMI) and Prevention Magazine, published by Rodale Inc. is revealing.

… “About half of shoppers have bought cranberry juice, dark chocolate or almonds in the past year, probably because there have been marketing campaigns and news coverage touting the health benefits of these so-called “superfoods,” so dubbed because they contain large quantities of specific nutrients. Shoppers are also purchasing green tea (43%), pomegranate juice (25%) and Greek yogurt (21%).”

… “Certain health claims are also proving to be attractive to customers. When purchasing food, heart health (73%) is the top health claim on packaging that matters to consumers. More energy (71%), digestive health (66%) and improving mind health (65%) follow closely behind.”

But, Here’s the Rub

… “Despite this attention to healthy foods, lack of planning is trumping health in the decision-making process at the American dinner table, as 72% of shoppers decide what to have for dinner that day. When same-day decisions for dinner are made, health (52%) falls well behind taste (73%), quickness of preparation (60%) and craving (52%).”

… “Lack of meal planning is so pervasive that one-in-four shoppers (24%) decide what to have for dinner within one hour before eating.”

… “Half of shoppers say they don’t actively monitor their calorie intake on a daily basis but do make an effort not to consume too many calories at a time.”

 What’s in Your Pantry?

Are there cans, boxes and bags, with pretty labels, that taste creamy and sweet, quick and easy to prepare, that you’re hungry for when you’re shopping, or perhaps some Super Food that contains a magic bullet that you heard or have seen advertised, or are you planning to eat something you pick up on your way home?”

 Invest in Health or Pay to be Sick

You choose the food that’s in your kitchen.  And, there is a direct correlation between the food on your table and your state of health.  If you are confused about what your body needs to stay healthy, here are 4 resources to help clear up your confusion:

You choose to endure the inconveniences of declining health or not:

  • Digestive issues
  • Achy joints
  • Weight gain
  • Hormone imbalance
  • And a whole litany of other issues

You choose  to set the stage for, or endure, the symptoms of neglect or not:

  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer

You choose to consume, or not to consume, food that respects your body.  It is a choice whether to live life to the fullest and die healthy or to suffer the indignities of failing health and dying sick.

But, before you flip the coin, you should read this report and have a look at NUPRO health systemshealth test.

Is there an answer?  Yes!

  • Stop doing that!  The task may seem daunting, but it is just an exercise in changing habits … in creating new ones, one habit at a time.
  • Before you buy something, ask yourself:  “Will my body thank me for this later?”  If not, don’t buy it and don’t eat it!  And, for goodness sake, stop feeding your kids junk food.
  • Get help.  Read and Ask Questions … Just be sure of your sources.
  • Do the best you can, then, fill the gaps in your diet with supplements.  But, avoid short cuts and magic bullets.  If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  • If you’re comfortable with choosing supplements, to fill the gaps in your diet, please consider NUPRO supplements.
  • If you want or need help, we will help you.

As Red Green says:  “Remember, we’re all in this together, I’m pulling for you.”