Editor’s Note: For those of you who have been following our commentaries about weight loss, you know we have been wrestling with the issue of losing weight for some time now.
Promoting and maintaining your healthy weight is challenging because losing weight is more complex than it seems.
Today, we would like to report on the progress we’ve made with formulae for effective, affordable weight management.
The project started with an analysis of currently available weight loss products.
The prevailing theory is: take stimulants (natural or medical), eat less and exercise more.
We discovered that, for the most part, the currently available weight loss products relied on natural or medical stimulants to raise basal metabolic rate (the minimum amount of energy required to operate your body).
Their theory is: higher basal metabolic rate will increase caloric demand. By restricting dietary calories, the body will burn stored fat to fulfill its energy requirement. The theory is augmented by adding exercise, as additional caloric demand, that will increase the possibilities for burning stored fat; which, as you know is calories stored in particular areas around the body.
Eat less – exercise more is the commonly accepted modality by professionals and the public. It has been the working method for losing weight for quite some time. However, if the theory for weight loss was practical, being overweight or obese should have long-since disappeared as a public health issue.
We discovered that the opposite is true: the body, when faced with limited food intake, triggers a self-preservation response; reduces basal metabolism and, here is the kicker, converts more of the ingested food into fat; choosing to burn its muscle tissue to supply energy.
In order to avoid this natural trigger for self-preservation, people should be eating more. Unknowingly, the long-held belief, “to lose weight a person needs to eat less and exercise more”, may have been contributing to the epidemic of being overweight or obese.
Furthermore, we discovered that the quality of the food is far more important than the quantity that is ingested. There is another “trigger” that, when the nutritional needs of the body have been met, turns off the urge to eat. Cravings and constant hunger is an indication that the body’s minimum nutritional requirements have not been met.
Finally, the current products and modalities focus on waking metabolism. There is an untapped metabolic opportunity to burn calories that occurs during sleep. The body burns significant calories during sleep for repairing and replacing cells and tissue that have worn out or have been damaged during waking hours.
Formulating a natural, nutraceutical weight loss program needed to be a multi-dimensional approach:
- Address the self-preservation trigger and restore daytime metabolism
- Address the trigger for cravings and hunger to reduce foraging
- Address the nutritional deficiencies with practical dietary changes or with an adjunct nutraceutical supplements to trigger satiation – the feeling of being full
- Support and promote nighttime metabolism
The task has been challenging. And, I’ll admit that the process took longer than we anticipated. Today, we are confident that we have met and exceeded our objective: to create a practical, affordable method that people can rely on to lose weight and keep it off once they’ve reach their goal.
You are among the first to examine and, if you so choose, to use our formulae and programs. You can see for yourself at the NUPRO weight loss centre.
If you are facing a weight issue, you are not alone. Being overweight or obese is an epidemic in the industrialized world. Whether you view it as an appearance issue or as a health issue, managing your weight should be your #1 priority.