The Epigenetics Syndrome
You’ve certainly heard about DNA or genetics. It’s the scientific explanation for traits that are shared with members of your family and other humans. It’s called “The Genome Project”. The project ended in 2003.*
There was one problem: there was lots of “genetic stuff” left over after the genome was identified. Researchers concluded it was the inconsequential “trash”.
New […]
Natural Weight Loss Supplements
Natural Supplements for Weight Loss
Natural Diet Pills, Dieting Programs, Weight Loss Clinics, Diet Plans, Strenuous Workouts and other ways to loose weight are becoming an obsession.
Some work – until you stop! Then, you gain the weight back – often more!
What if you knew why and how natural weight loss cab work for you – and natural weight loss tactics helps keep from […]
Yo Yo Dieting Effects – Lose Weight – Gain it Back
40% of the dieters were successful.
Of the successful dieters who experienced short-term weight loss:
60% of the dieters failed to lose weight.
Of the unsuccessful dieters who were unable to lose weight:
Q & A Session
Q: How did they try losing weight?
A: The “old school way” – by eating less, exercising more and switching to a more healthful diet.
Q: Why Did […]
NUPRO Day Time
Diet Pills and Weight Loss Supplements
Diet pills and weight loss supplements to help people lose weight are important supplements.
Adults, who are concerned about gaining weight are searching for a natural supplement to help them burn fat, lose weight and increase their energy.
But, since the F.D.A. banned Ma Huang, most weight loss supplements have been disappointing. The “new” supplements to help […]
Life Gets in the Way of Living
How Life Gets In The Way of Living
One of the “happy accidents” of answering questions about NUPRO supplements is the conversation during the call. Stan said: “I’m not sure who 1st said it … “, then he shared this quote . . .
I thought I’d live forever
I just didn’t think forever would come this soon!
Stan talked about all […]
Natural Healing and Health Book
A Natural Healing and Health Book
. . . That Won’t Confuse You
Hello. My name is Jeanie Traub. Dr. Lucas and I have written a natural healing and health book, Creating Radiant Health, the Keys to Releasing the Healing Power Within, for 3 reasons:
Assist our clients that we’re helping to restore their health.
Reach as many people, as possible, that need help with declining […]
How I Became a Natural Health Consultant and Coach
Why I Became a
Natural Health Consultant & Coach
By Frank A. Lucas, PhD, NHC
Beyond the academics involved in becoming a Natural Health Consultant (certified) and a Holistic Health Practitioner, my journey through a life-threatening illness gave me the compassion and desire
to help people find answers and hope that they can feel healthy again.
The Academics
The syllabus for a 2 year course of study […]
Who is Frank Lucas
Frank Lucas, PhD, NHC
Frank is the Founder and President of NUPRO Nutraceutical Products Company and the Natural Health Coach for the Radiant Health Club at NUPRO.
It occurred to me that I haven’t properly introduced myself to many of you.
Why now?
We were taping an interview for TV and the Host asked me to give him some background. You know: training […]
How to Survive Modern Medicine in the 21st Century
Surviving Modern Medicine
A Health Care Survival Kit
You will be faced with an unprecedented situation where the costs and limits of the technology of Modern Medicine begin to shrink the effectiveness and your access to medical medicine and treatments. Staying or becoming healthy should be your #1 priority!
The last century was a heady time for Modern Medicine:
In the 21st Century, […]
If Your Symptoms Go Away, Are You Healthy?
If Your Symptoms Go Away, Are You Healthy?
Sounds like a crazy question—right? Not so fast!
The truth is: There is a triangle of 3 components that can either:
Produce health and healing
Produce symptoms
Or produce declining or failing health.
Did you know:
Balancing this triangle: produces natural health and healing?
And the 3 parts of the triangle of health: mental, physical and bio-chemical, are all inter-related?
Is Your Body too Acidic?
Can Your Body Adjust Your pH Correctly?
Sounds like an easy answer – right? Not so fast!
The truth is:
Your body is adapting to all kinds of stuff—all the time – it’s part of your body’s innate survival skills … using the nutrients you supply from your diet.
It’s the way:
the immune system works
it adjusts to hot and cold
the body heals itself
the body adjusts […]
Does Medicine Help You Stay or Become Healthy?
Does Medicine Help You Stay or Become Healthy?
Sounds like an easy answer—right? Not so fast!
The truth is: most people aren’t sick,
. . . but they’re not healthy either!
For example: check out all the ads for: energy drinks—to get you going, “Tums for your tummy”, Gas-X, allergy pills, “stuff” to help with: sleep, anxiety, depression or your hormones: well, you […]